Ferrucci’s places and itineraries
Ferrucci's places and itineraries
The places of Francesco Ferrucci
Discovering the Pistoia mountains, in the places that have shaped Italian and European history.
Calamecca, where the Florentine army stopped on 2 August 1530, has origins that date back to the late Lombard age. Conquered by Pistoia in 1182, in the following centuries Calamecca found itself repeatedly involved in the factional struggles between Panciatichi and Cancellieri, now siding with one now with the other.
On the other hand, Panciatica had a long tradition in San Marcello, an ancient possession of the Guidi counts ceded to Pistoia at the beginning of the 13th century. The town was ferociously sacked by the Ferruccians to stock up on food supplies: a looting which is still remembered today in the toponymy.
In the meantime, the Imperials of the Prince of Orange had taken advantage of the forced stop of the Florentine army to reach and surround it.
Gavinana, where the fate of Florence was decided, is attested in sources at the beginning of the 12th century. The memory of the battle of 1530 is linked here to the Verginina di Mezzo, a small chapel where the Prince of Orange was first buried; to the Ferrucci hut, place of the hero’s last stand; and to the town square, on which the wounded Ferrucci was killed by Maramaldo.
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