Ferrucci… as a comic strip!

Ferrucci… as a comic strip!

The republican epic and the events in the life of Francesco Ferrucci and the battle of Gavinana were also narrated in a comic script. In 1939 the Florence publishing house “Nerbini” – at the time one of the main producers of cartoons in our country - made a history consisting of 16 panels drawn by Tancredi Scarpelli in the traditional “album” format, very popular at the time. it tells the story (in a very didascalic manner and with a slightly naif taste) the historical events of the last Repubblica Fiorentina, in relation to Ferrucci's biography, ending with an apology of the Fascist regime, where the "black shirts" (following the example of the Florentine hero) defend the country conquering a colonial empire in Africa.

More recent, and definitely more… exciting, lis the long story (160 pages) entitled “Il codice Ferrucci”. Its main character – a vampire hunter of the 21st century – is catapulted into History with a capital H in an attempt to trace back a mysterious object with huge powers and closely intertwined with the events in Ferrucci's life and the battle of Gavinana. The script is by Moreno Burattini (born and bred in Gavinana, author of the textsi) and the drawings are by Fabrizio Russo, from Milan; the book was pubished in October 2021, and sold in newsstands as special annual edition no. 17 of the cartoon series “DAMPYR” published monthly by Sergio Bonelli Editore.

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