Giampaolo Orsini


Early 16th century



Giampaolo Orsini

Giampaolo was born in the early sixteenth century of Lorenzo Anguillara and Lucrezia Orsini. At a young age he fought as a mercenary during the war of the League of Cognac (1526-1529); Giampaolo also served first in the armed forces of Pope Clement VII of Tuscany (1526), then in Naples (1527-1528). Having joined the armed forces of the Florentine Republic in 1529, Giampaolo fought in Gavinana (3 August 1530), where he was made prisoner. He was released against payment of a ransom of 4,000 ducati, Anguillara returned to Rome. In 1542, then, he was enlisted in Provence in the ranks of the French army. The date of his death is unknown.

Bibliography and sources:

Gaspare De Caro, Giampaolo Anguillara, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, 3, 1961, s.v.
Alessandro Monti, L’assedio di Firenze (1529-1530). Politica, diplomazia e conflitto durante le guerre d’Italia, Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2015

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