Lorenzo Carnesecchi


30 November 1482


ca. 1534

Lorenzo Carnesecchi

Lorenzo was born on 30 November 1482 of Zanobi Carnesecchi, from an important Florentine family. He took on his first public positions in 1514, when the Florentine government appointed him Podestà of San Gimignano. Carnesecchi played a leading role during the war of Florence (1529-1530). On 6 May 1529, the Florentine government appointed him General Commissioner of Romagna, although he had a limited amount of forces in the he aggressively managed to protect the dominions of Florence. After the fall of the Florentine Republic, fearing for his life, Lorenzo went into exile. He died in 1530, without seeing Florence again.

Bibliography and sources:

Alessandro Monti, L’assedio di Firenze (1529-1530). Politica, diplomazia e conflitto durante le guerre d’Italia, Pisa, Pisa University Press, 2015
Carlotta Borgia Lotti, Lorenzo Carnesecchi, o il secondo Ferruccio, Firenze, Società Tipografica Fiorentina, 1912

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