Malatesta Baglioni

Malatesta Baglioni


Perugia, 1491


Bettona (Perugia), 24 December 1531

Malatesta Baglioni

Malatesta was born in Perugia in 1491 of Giampaolo Baglioni and Ippolita Conti. Having begun to serve the Republic of Venice in 1511, Malatesta fought in all the military campaigns supported by the Serenissima in the 1510s and 1520s . In 1529, despite the warnings received from Clement VII Medici, Malatesta Baglioni accepted the contract offered to him by Florence, taking on the position of captain general of the army of the Republic after Ercole II d’Este was discharged (15 January 1530). In June, being aware that Florence was soon surrender, Malatesta contacted the Imperial forces to agree on the capitulation of the city. After the battle of Gavinana (3 August 1530), Baglioni forced the Florentine government to accept the terms of the surrrender treaty, signed on 12 August 1530. He returned to his possessions in the autumn, and died on 24 December 1531 in Bettona, a territory which had been granted to him by Leo X in 1516.

Bibliography and sources:

Gaspare De Caro, Malatesta Baglioni, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, V, 1963, s.v.
Alessandro Monti, Il traditore. Vita e avventure di Malatesta IV Baglioni signore di Perugia, Perugia, Morlacchi Editore University Press, 2021

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